Welcome to Design Station: Web and print projects designed with care.
Yukon Summer Music Camp

Design Station – Est. 2004.

Design Station was started by two designers with a shared vision: to design gorgeous, functional and easy-to-use websites. We knew we had the skills to deliver projects that met not only that vision, but our clients' goals as well.

Even though our lives were tugged in different directions, and Design Station took a cut in staff from two to one, that core vision hasn't changed. I still deliver projects that outperform — and not just for the web.

I’m Christopher Griffiths – senior designer, president, chief executive officer, and janitor.
I’m also a good cook.

More than websites.

More than websites.

Print design makes more than half of the projects I do. I've designed everything from stamps to t-shirts, postcards to highway signs.

To see some samples of work that I've done — web, print and more — please take a look at my Portfolio.

Get in touch!

Get in touch!

Clients continue to challenge me with new projects and new directions; our collaboration has resulted in work that has surprised me and delighted them.

Do you have a challenge for me?
Please let me know.